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Microbial preparation accelerating the compost formation process.
• significantly accelerates the formation of compost
• improves fertiliser properties
• sanitizes the compost from pathogenic bacteria
• eliminates unpleasant odours
• 100% natural and environmentally safe
Action of Biokomposter:
• Biokomposter is an ecological and efficient preparation for
accelerating the composting process of organic waste of plant and animal origin.
• The product consists of carefully selected saprophytic bacteria
that promote the decomposition of the composted material.
• Scraps of plant origin, such as leaves, branches, cut grass, weeds,
as well as some kitchen waste, i.e. vegetable scraps, egg shells,
coffee and tea grounds, are suitable for composting.
• With Biokomposter, shredded cellulose and lignin can also be composted.
• The Biokomposter contributes to faster compost formation,
eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and parasite eggs
• Thanks to the microorganisms contained in the preparation,
the finished fertiliser has a high nutrient content that is better
absorbed by the plants.
Directions for use:
• Sprinkle the top layer of composted material with the preparation and stir.
• If the compost is not moist, irrigate it with about 5 litres of water
per 1 m3 of composted biomass.
• For best results, the pile should be topped with water weekly
and the compost stirred every 2-4 weeks.
• After about 2-6 months (depending on the amount and type
of composted material), a good quality fertile and hygienic
fertiliser is obtained.
• Product in concentrated form, 200 g of Biokomposter is
sufficient for up to 5 m3 of composted matter.
The preparation contains a mixture of viable microbial cells at
a count of more than 10 000 000 CFU/g and an organic carrier.
Biokomposter is produced in packages: 200g, 500g.