Biopreparations effective
by nature


Microbiology laboratory

We offer to carry out independent expertise and analysis in the field of microbiology. We carry out tests on environmental samples and samples of raw materials and products for various applications.
We carry out research and development services conducted at the design, preparation and operation stages. Each study is documented by us in detail and delivered in the form of a report based on previous findings.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis, testing of physical and chemical properties of microorganisms

• studies on the abundance and composition of microorganisms from a variety of samples    from natural (water, air, soil) and anthropogenic environments, • examination of enzyme activity, metabolic intensity, substance breakdown, • assessment of synergistic and antagonistic interactions between microorganisms.

Research and development services

• assessing the possibility of using the microorganisms for the purposes indicated by the client,
• development of bacterial preparations for the chemical (household chemistry) and biotechnology industries according to customer specifications,
• determining optimum physicochemical growth and storage conditions for the indicated bacterial strains at laboratory and industrial scale, taking into account factors such as temperature, pH value, blending or aeration,
• testing the survival of microorganisms during the production processes of fertiliser preparations (subjected to extreme physical and chemical factors).
Monitoring and protection of the environment

• studies on the abundance and composition of
   microorganisms from a variety of samples from
   natural (water, air, soil) and anthropogenic environments,
• examination of enzyme activity, metabolic intensity,
   substance breakdown,
• assessment of synergistic and antagonistic interactions
   between microorganisms.

Examination of everyday objects and control of sterilisation

- evaluation of sterilisation and sanitisation efficiency,
- testing the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms
  from household appliances.

About the laboratory
We have strong technical capabilities backed by specialist knowledge,
as well as many years of experience in carrying out research.
We are continually expanding our range of services and developing the laboratory's research capabilities.
Our customers can expect professional help and support at every stage.

We have many years of experience and are highly qualified in microbiological testining
Professionalism, competence and modern laboratory facilities guarantee the highest quality of our services
We provide advice and specialist assistance at every stage of the research work in progress

Research methods
We conduct research based on classical and molecular microbiological techniques, such as:

• cultivation methods,
• microscopy,
• fluorescence microscopy,
• enzyme tests,
• respiratory activity tests,
• PCR.

Our products